III. The Edible Aquarium: Promoting biofilm in your shrimp tank
Previous posts in this 4-part series discussed the natural environment of cherry shrimp and their unorthodox method of feeding; or, more accurately, grazing. In this post, we’ll go over how to develop vibrant biofilm for your shrimp to graze upon.
II. How Cherry Shrimp Eat: The anatomy and natural feeding behavior of cherry shrimp
Cherry shrimp often seem to eat invisible food, or rather food we cannot see. Their diet doesn’t seem consistent: they consume veggies and algae wafers, and also dine delicately on departed relatives … they are as happy scraping down a food pellet as they are gobbling microscopic gunk. They can spend days banqueting on a carrot. All this makes the process of feeding shrimp seem rather vague.
I. The Basics: An overview of feeding aquarium shrimp
Along with good water quality, feeding your cherry (neocaridina) shrimp properly is a prime necessity for keeping a successful colony. A good diet makes your colony resilient and better able to face the rigors of living in a small glass box on your desk.
Why Keep a Shrimp Tank?
If you haven’t kept shrimp before, you might wonder why people enjoy them. There’s more than one reason!
How to Set Up a New Shrimp Tank
It’s easy to know when your tank is ready for shrimp—your plants will be growing. Seeing algae is another good sign. Plant growth shows the tank is alive and capable of sustaining additional life.
Positive Benefits of Keeping a Shrimp Tank
Studies have shown that aquariums provides relief from tension. The magic glass box lowers stress and boosts health.
Here are some positive benefits of keeping shrimp:
Best Plants for a Shrimp Tank
Actually, the title of this post is a little misleading: Cherry shrimp do well with any plant. They don’t actually eat them, but instead graze the biofilm and feed on the tiny animals that grow on them. In the process, they keep plants clean.
Welcome to the Cherry Shrimp blog!
My plan is to share information and resources that have helped me, to pass on shrimp-keeping news and information to other enthusiasts, and to keep in touch with other hobbyists.
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